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23. rindiņa: 23. rindiņa:
: You have two possibilities to spy your enemies. Either you send your probes by using your fleet menu or you take the easy way by clicking on the right button in your galaxy. Here you can set the number of probes which should be used every time you click at the symbol in your galaxy.
: You have two possibilities to spy your enemies. Either you send your probes by using your fleet menu or you take the easy way by clicking on the right button in your galaxy. Here you can set the number of probes which should be used every time you click at the symbol in your galaxy.
* '''Nachrichten'''
* '''Messages'''
: Hier finden sich zwei Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für das Nachrichtenmenü. Wenn Du Deine Spionageberichte immer gleich komplett sehen möchtest, anstatt diese jeweils in einem neuen Fenster zu öffnen, musst Du das erste Kästchen aktivieren. In der zweiten Einstellung kannst du festlegen, wie viele Nachrichten pro Seite angezeigt werden sollen.  
: You have two possible settings. If you want to see full spy reports, instead of opening a new window/tab every time you should turn on that first option. Secondly you can appoint the amount of displayed messages per page.
* '''IP-Check'''
* '''IP-Check'''
: Der IP-Check ist ein wichtiges Sicherheitsfeature, welches man nicht leichtfertig deaktivieren sollte. Er gewährleistet, dass man automatisch aus dem Account ausgeloggt wird, wenn sich die eigene IP ändert, oder wenn mehrere Personen gleichzeitig im Account sind. Das klingt zunächst wenig praktisch, sorgt jedoch dafür, dass Dein Account nicht von fremden Personen übernommen werden kann, welche irgendwie an Deine Session-ID gelangt sind. In einzelnen Fällen kann es aus technischen Gründen sinnvoll sein, den IP-Check zu deaktivieren - in diesem Fall solltest Du Dich jedoch mit dem GO absprechen.  
: Due to security reasons it is not recommendable to deactivate the IP-Check. IP Check means that you will be automatically logged out for safety reasons if your IP is changed or two players login through different IPs on the same account. Be careful! In some countries you might need the authorization of the responsible GameOperator if you want to deactivate the IP-Check.
* '''RSS-Feed (nur Commander)'''
* '''RSS-Feed (only commander)'''
: Mit Hilfe des RSS-Features kannst du deine Nachrichten nicht nur im Spiel lesen, sondern auch automatisch weiterleiten. So informiert dich ein RSS-Reader beispielsweise auch dann über eine neue Nachricht, wenn du gerade nicht in den Account eingeloggt bist.
: With the aid of the RSS-Feature you can forward your messages automatically so you can read them even if you are not logged in your account at the moment.
* '''Deine Planeten'''
* '''Your planets'''
: Unter diesem Punkt kannst Du einstellen, in welcher Reihenfolge Deine Planeten in der Planetenübersich angeordnet sein sollen. Je nach persönlichem Belieben kannst du sie nach ihren Namen, ihren Koordinaten oder dem Zeitpunkten ihrer Entstehung sortieren.  
: In this menu you can adjust how your planets should be sorted. You can choose between coordinates, alphabet, size, used fields and the order of emergence.
* '''Sonstige'''
* '''Other'''
: Hier regelt man lediglich einige grafische Elemente im Spiel und kann damit zwei kleine Animationen deaktivieren, wenn diese stören.
: Here you can turn off some small animations if you want.
* '''Urlaubsmodus'''
* '''Vacation Mode'''
: Wer einmal länger als ein paar Tage nicht online kommen kann (z.B. weil er in Urlaub fahren möchte) und seinen Account in dieser Zeit nicht schutzlos möglichen Angreifern ausliefer möchte, der sollte den Urlaubsmodus nutzen. Ist dieser aktiviert, kann der Account von keinem anderen Spieler angeflogen werden und ist somit vollkommen sicher. Um ihn aktivieren zu können, dürfen jedoch keine eigenen Flotten unterwegs oder Bauvorhaben oder Forschungen in Bearbeitung sein, während des Urlaubsmodus wird zudem die Produktion aller Minen auf 0% gesetzt. Der Urlaubsmodus dauert mindestens 48 Stunden, damit er nicht zum nächtlichen Saven missbraucht werden kann. Doch Vorsicht, auch im Urlaubsmodus wird Dein Account nach 35 Tagen ohne Login gelöscht, wenn sich keine gekaufte Dunkle Materie mehr darin befindet.  
: The vacation mode protects you during absences from the game. So if you want to go on vacation and protect your account until you are back, you should activate the vacation mode. As long as the vacation mode is activated you are protected from any new attacks and your account is totally safe, but ongoing attacks still goes on.
You can only activate it when nothing is being built/researched (fleet, buildings, defence, research) and if yours fleets are not in transit. (If there is incoming fleets they will continue to your planet/moon even if you go into vacation mode). Vacation mode lasts at least 48 hours (might be different in speed universes) you cannot deactivate it any earlier. Be careful! In case there is no bought dark matter your account can be deleted after 35 days without any login even if your account is in vacation mode.
* '''Dein Account'''
* '''Your Account'''
: Unter diesem unscheinbaren Menüpunkt kannst du deinen Account löschen lassen. Nach der Bestätigung dauert es noch 7 Tage, bis der Account endgültig entfernt wird. Solltest Du es Dir vorher doch noch anders überlegt haben, kannst du das Häkchen einfach entfernen und den Account wie gewohnt weiter spielen. Bevor Du Deinen Account löschst und damit Deine ganze Arbeit vernichtest, solltest Du dich aber am besten erstmal umhören, ob nicht vielleicht ein anderer Spieler Interesse daran hätte.
: Here you are able to delete your account. After the verification it takes another 7 days until your account will be deleted permanently.
If you change your mind after during this period you can unmark the box to cancel the deletion and go on playing. Before you decide to delete your account permanent and destroy the work of thousands hours you should check if one of your mates wants to take the account.  

Versija, kas saglabāta 21:27, 29 Decembris 2010

Citās valodās:

There are several options ingame where you can change some aspects and settings of your account. You do not have to change anything to play OGame but some of them might be interesting for you.

User data

User data
User data
  • Nickname
During the registration you chose your favorite nickname. You need that name for the login as well as for the whole game. The nickname can be changed freely but any kind of insult or racism is not allowed and will result in a ban. You can change your nick once a week.
  • Password
Many players disregard this setting but it is one of the most important you have. If another person/player knows the password or even has access to that he can do whatever he wants. Your fleet can be destroyed and your planets or even the whole account can be deleted. Take care that nobody knows your current password. For security reasons the password should contain at least 8 characters and small letters, capital letters and special characters. Do not use a simple password like your nickname or anything like that. Do not save your password at public computers (internet cafe, university, etc.) or write them down on a paper. Change your password if you think somebody could know it.
  • E-mail Address
You need the email address to request a new password as well as to identify yourself as the owner of an account. Due to that you should take your own valid email address where only you have access to. Take a safe password and do not use the same password for your ingame account. If you change your email address a validation link will be sent to the new address. At the same time another notification will be sent to the old address. To prevent account thievery the owner of the old email address can be cancel this process by clicking his link within 7 days. In this case the mail address will be back to previously permanent mail.


  • Espionage Probes
You have two possibilities to spy your enemies. Either you send your probes by using your fleet menu or you take the easy way by clicking on the right button in your galaxy. Here you can set the number of probes which should be used every time you click at the symbol in your galaxy.
  • Messages
You have two possible settings. If you want to see full spy reports, instead of opening a new window/tab every time you should turn on that first option. Secondly you can appoint the amount of displayed messages per page.
  • IP-Check
Due to security reasons it is not recommendable to deactivate the IP-Check. IP Check means that you will be automatically logged out for safety reasons if your IP is changed or two players login through different IPs on the same account. Be careful! In some countries you might need the authorization of the responsible GameOperator if you want to deactivate the IP-Check.
  • RSS-Feed (only commander)
With the aid of the RSS-Feature you can forward your messages automatically so you can read them even if you are not logged in your account at the moment.


  • Your planets
In this menu you can adjust how your planets should be sorted. You can choose between coordinates, alphabet, size, used fields and the order of emergence.
  • Other
Here you can turn off some small animations if you want.


  • Vacation Mode
The vacation mode protects you during absences from the game. So if you want to go on vacation and protect your account until you are back, you should activate the vacation mode. As long as the vacation mode is activated you are protected from any new attacks and your account is totally safe, but ongoing attacks still goes on.

You can only activate it when nothing is being built/researched (fleet, buildings, defence, research) and if yours fleets are not in transit. (If there is incoming fleets they will continue to your planet/moon even if you go into vacation mode). Vacation mode lasts at least 48 hours (might be different in speed universes) you cannot deactivate it any earlier. Be careful! In case there is no bought dark matter your account can be deleted after 35 days without any login even if your account is in vacation mode.

  • Your Account
Here you are able to delete your account. After the verification it takes another 7 days until your account will be deleted permanently.

If you change your mind after during this period you can unmark the box to cancel the deletion and go on playing. Before you decide to delete your account permanent and destroy the work of thousands hours you should check if one of your mates wants to take the account.

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