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(Ingame General)
Linje 45: Linje 45:
* '''Overview: Maximum 127 unread messages'''
* '''Overview: Maximum 127 unread messages'''
: The overview screen shows a maximum of 127 unread messages, even if there are more.
: ''The overview screen shows a maximum of 127 unread messages, even if there are more.''
<br />
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Versionen fra 28. dec 2010, 04:22

Andre sprog:

Bugs, Complaints & Workarounds

Portal Page

  • Portal: The Team List is too fragmented
The teamler list on the portal page is unclear and hard to understand for players. Having the list sorted by Universe or Teamler Username would be better.

Ingame General

  • General: At login via MMOGame some links don't function
When using MMOgame to login, links to galaxy coordinates using showGalaxy() don't function (such as in espionage reports).
  • General: Moon without planet
It's possible to create a moon after a battle on an abandoned planet, this moon isn't cleared with the planet deletion thus resulting in a moon without a planet.
  • General: Different use of local and server time
Both server time and local time are used in different places in the game. For example server time is used for the clock in the top right whilst local time is used in the Event List.


  • General: User is unable to leave vacation mode (No account validation)
Some users are unable to leave vacation mode because of the message "No account validation". The user will see this:


-> Missing checkbox to leave vacation mode.
Method 1: The user has to change the email address and choose to use the old email (O) or the new one (N).
O) Use the undo/validation link received on the old email: if the link is used, the account will be validated and the account email is changed back to the old one again.
N) A confirmation/validation link is sent to the new email address: if the link is used, the account is validated and the new email is placed on the account.
Method 2: If changing the email address and new validation causes no effect. Ban and then unban without vacation mode.
  • Relocation: Special Characters in Planet Names
If a planet name contains certain special characters then the planet can become stuck during a relocation attempt.
  • Relocation: No ships can be sent
After a planet relocation no ships can be sent to the planet, because of a problem with special characters.
  • General: Alliance Depot refueling problem
It's not possible to supply ships using the alliance depot from the proper planet.
  • General: Display problem in Techtree
On the technology page of the Techtree there are some extra white "marks" which shouldn't be there.
  • General: Random Logouts
At random some players are kicked from the game and directed to the startpage, the session ID is "lost" so a new login is required.
  • Incorrectly listed building queue in the shipyard
There is a difference between the building queue and it displayed just produced Ship Type


  • Overview: Maximum 127 unread messages
The overview screen shows a maximum of 127 unread messages, even if there are more.


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Single Points

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