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Del mismo modo que cualquier nave es imprescindible para acciones ofensivas, las estructuras defensivas lo son para proteger tus planetas de posibles adversarios. Éstas se construyen de la misma manera que las naves y una vez acabadas estarán siempre preparadas para luchar contra posibles naves atacantes. Dependiendo de la cantidad de defensas construidas, tus recursos estarán mejor o peor defendidos; con una gran defensa no le serás rentable a otros jugadores del Universo y optarán por no atacarte. Aun asi debes tener presente que alguno jugadores están especializados en atacar este tipo de de planeta fuertemente defendidos (también llamados bunkers o tortugas).
While ships are indispensable for offensive actions, there are defensive structures for defensive players to allow them to protect their planets from other players. Those are built the same way as ships and from then on are always ready to fight against attacking ships. Depending on how many defenses one builds, one can defend more or less resources from other players, as a big defense makes attacks unprofitable for other players.
Though there are also those players who systematically attack heavily-defended planets (so called turtles).
==Construir de forma equilibrada==
==Balanced buildup==
De la misma forma que cuando quieras construir una flota deberás tener varios factores presentes, en el caso de las defensas, deberás tener muy claras cuáles son las necesidades del planeta/luna donde planees desarrollar este tipo de esctrucutras.
When building a fleet there are some major points you have to pay attention to. The same goes for defenses. The amount of defensive structures should always be matched with the needs of the planet / moon the defense is built on.
Si tu objetivo es, unicamente, mantener a salvo lo que pueda ir acumulando al cabo del día en un planeta, sería excesivo construir un gran bunker, ya que tendrías que invertir mucho tiempo, y sobre todo, recursos. En cambio, si tu intención es refugiar tu flota en esa posición, necesitarás tener la suficiente defensa como para hacer que otros jugadores desestimen la posibilidad de atacarte. Así mismo, la combinación de los diferentes tipos de estructuras defensivas que ofrece OGame es crucial para tener una defensa equilibrada y poderosa.
If your goal is to just save those res you produce over night it would be overkill to build a huge turtle worth some hundred-thousand points.
Del mismo modo que sucede con las flotas que poseen grandes cantidades de naves pequeñas, que sirven de protección a otras más poderosas, las unidades defensivas más débiles/baratas que desarrolles en tu planeta, a la larga, te podrán servir de protección para estructuras defensivas más poderosas, ya que al haber más cantidad de defensas débiles, habrán menos impactos sobre las más poderosas/caras y éstas podrán hacer más daños a las flotas atacantes antes de ser destruidas.
Though if you want to defend your whole fleet (at least for a while) you of course need a much bigger defense. The right mixture of the different units is very important too.
Analog to small ships, small defensive-units later take the role of "cannon fodder", while you build the big guns for the big bang.
Pero a pesar de todo, no importa cómo de fuerte o poderosa sea tu defensa, ni cómo la hayas diseñado: la mejor defensa es la que no se llega a utilizar nunca. Cuando consigues no ser rentable a ninguno de tus enemigos, podrás estar 100% seguro de que no vas a recibir ningún ataque.<br />
But no matter how strong your defense is and how well thought-out its design, the best defense is the one that's never used. When you're unprofitable for even the strongest players in your universe you're almost 100% sure to not be attacked.<br />
Algunas excepciones a este último punto:
Exceptions are:
*Los jugadores antes mencionados, a los que les divierte atacar y destruir bunkers, sea con o sin rentabilidad.
*above mentioned "turtle-hunters". They'll smash you to pieces just for fun.
*Si juegas en un universo especial, donde un determinado porcentaje de los costes de una estructura defensiva van a los campos de escombros cuando es destruida durante una batalla, tener grandes cantidades de defensas puede ser muy provechoso para jugadores con mucha flota, ya que, como la defensa no puede escapar de un ataque, para ellos, atacarte, será como ir a una fiesta con barra libre. Para más información consulta el capítulo {{Link|Info:Universes and Player|Universos y Jugadores}}
*You play in a special universe where a certain % of the defense-cost goes to a debris-field when its destroyed (def-to-DF-unis). In such unis a big defense is like a free BBQ for all players with a strong fleet, as defense can't run away from an attack. To find out more information about your universe's features see {{Link|Info:Universes and Player}}
==Posibilidades de Reconstrucción:==
==Chance of reconstruction==
Como se ha dicho anteriormente, las unidades defensivas no pueden volar y escapar de un planeta que esté siendo atacado. Pero en el caso de que sean destruidas, en OGame, cada tipo de defensa tiene una probabilidad del 70% de ser reparada y puesta de nuevo en el planeta, una vez finalizada la batalla (si haces uso del servicio premium del "Ingeniero" el porcentaje sube al 85%; ver {{Link|Tutorial:Premium features|Características Premium}}). Después de un ataque el porcentaje de cada unidad que será reconstruida se calcula y se obtienen, normalmente, pequeñas variaciones que se ajustan a la media antes mencionada (70% de probabilidades). Si hay menos de 10 estructuras defensivas en un planeta, la probabilidad no se calcula para cada tipo de defensa, sino para cada unidad individualmente.  
As said, defensive units can't fly or magically disappear, so they can't be saved from attacks. But if they are destroyed during an attack its not the end. In ogame every type of defense has a chance of 70% to be repaired after it was destroyed during an attack. If you use the premium-feature "engineer" the chance is 85% (see {{Link|Tutorial:Premium features}}).  
En resumen, este elemento impide a tus enemigos destruir toda tu defensa en un único ataque; tus adversarios deberán atacarte varias veces para conseguirlo. Pero recuerda que otra posibilidad para destruir todas tus defensas es usando los {{Link|Tutorial:Interplanetary Missiles|Misiles Interplanetarios}}.
This feature doesn't allow your enemies to wipe out your defense in just 1 run. They have to fly numerous attacks against your planet before everything is gone.
Another way to destroy defense is via using {{Link|Tutorial:Interplanetary Missiles}}.
==Las diferentes unidades defensivas==
==The different defensive units==
El próposito básico de todas las defensas es proteger tu planeta, pero algunas estructuras están más especializadas que contra otras (tal y como ocurre con los diferentes tipos de naves). Todas las unidades juegan un papel importante, pero sólo la combinación equilibrada de todas ellas, hará que tu defensa sea realmente efectiva.
Even though all defenses have the same purpose, to protect your planet from enemy attacks, some units are more specialized then others. Its basically the same as with fleets. All units play their own important part, but only in combination with the others are they the most effective.
{{Detail-Defense|Rocketlauncher|La primera unidad defensiva que podrás construir en OGame es el Lanzamisiles. Es la más barato también y te servirá, en grandes cantidades, como protección para que otras estructuras más poderosas puedan causar más daños y evitar ser destruidas rapidamente.
{{Detail-Defense|Rocketlauncher|The first available defense-unit in OGame is the rocketlauncher. It's the cheapest unit too. It is, especially in the later game-stages used as cannon fodder.....huge masses to spread enemy fire and give the big guns a better chance to survive and hand out damage.
La gran desventaja es que algunos tipos de nave (especialmente el Crucero) tienen un valor de Fuego Rápido muy alto contra los lanzamisiles ellos. Así que siempre será muy recomendable que los combines con láseres pequeños.}}
Its biggest disadvantage is, that some ship-types (especially cruisers) have a very high rapid-fire against them. So you should combine them with Light Lasers.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Light Laser|El láser pequeño es ligeramente más caro que el lanzamisiles pero tiene características mejores; además, los cruceros no tienen Fuego Rápido contra ellos.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Light Laser|The light laser is the second cannon fodder-unit. Marginally more expensive then the rocketlauncher it has a bit better stats and cruisers don't have rapid-fire against them.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Heavy Laser|No debe faltar en ninguna buena defensa. Funcionan especialmente bien contra Cazadores Ligeros, ya que cada disparo de un Láser Grandeesado puede destruir a un Cazador Ligero.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Heavy Laser|Too expensive for the role of cannon fodder, it still shouldn't be missing in any good defense. Especially good against light fighters as each shot of a heavy laser can kill 1 light fighter.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Ion Cannon|Ninguna otra estructura defensiva dispone de unos escudos tan potentes: eso hace que sea una defensa muy duradera, aunque su elevado coste de cristal y su poco poder de ataque, la hace menos popular que los Láseres Grandes o los Cañones Gauss.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Ion Cannon|No defensive unit has stronger shields then the Ion cannon, making it very durable. Its high crystal-costs in addition with its low attack-strength make it less popular then Heavy Lasers or Gauss Cannons.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Gauss Cannon|Antes de poder construir Cañones de Plasma, podrás tener Cañones Gauss, la segunda defensa más poderosa del Juego. Su gran poder de ataque lo hace especialmente útil contra Cruceros y Naves de Batalla.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Gauss Cannon|Long before you have access to the Plasma Turret you'll be able to build Gauss Cannons, the second-strongest defensive-units. Their good attack power makes them especially good against cruisers and battleships.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Plasma Turret|La defensa más potente y cara del Juego. Los requisitos necesarios implican una fortuna en recursos para jugadores que inician su andadura en OGame, y los costes del Cañón también son elevados, pero a cambio, conseguirás una unidad defensiva capaz de hacer frente a naves tan poderosas como los Destructores o las Estrellas de la Muerte. Su efectividad aumenta si los acompañas de grandes cantidades de defensas menores para protegerlos del fuego enemigo.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Plasma Turret|The biggest gun with the highest price. The needed researches alone are a fortune for players in the early days of their career, and the turret itself is pretty expensive too. But what you get in return is the strongest gun, powerful enough to fend off even big ships like destroyers or deathstars. Most efficient when you add cannon fodder to protect it as long as possible to allow it to deal out huge amounts of damage.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Small Shield Dome|Los escudos no hacen ningún daño a las naves enemigas (excepto a las Sondas de Espionaje), pero hay que tener en cuenta que no es ese su propósito.
{{Detail-Defense|Small Shield Dome|Shield domes do absolutely no harm to enemy ships (except probes), but that isn't their purpose anyways.
En las etapas iniciales, una Cúpula Pequeña sóla, puede defenderte de una flota enemiga completa, siempre y cuando ésta sólo esté formada por Naves de Carga. Eso se debe a que estas naves no poseen poder de ataque, no pueden penetrar el escudo generado por la Cúpula y, por lo tanto, no pueden destruirla.
In the earlier gamestages even 1 small shield dome alone can fend off a whole enemy fleet, in case it consists only of cargoes. That is because those ships lack the attack strength to penetrate the shield itself and thus can't destroy the dome.
Únicamente puedes construir una Cúpula Pequeña de Protección por Planeta.}}
You can only build 1 small shield dome per planet.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Large Shield Dome|Lo comentado para la Cúpula Pequeña se puede aplicar a la Grande... pero a gran escala, ya que es capaz de resistir el ataque de un cierto número de Cazadores Ligeros.
{{Detail-Defense|Large Shield Dome|What goes for the small dome goes for the large dome too....but just in a bigger scale. Even light fighters in any amount can't do any harm against the large dome and have to fly home empty-handed.
Únicamente puedes construir una Cúpula Grande de Protección por Planeta.}}
You can also build only 1 large shield dome per planet.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Anti-Ballistic Missile|Son un tipo especial de unidad defensiva. No están diseñados para luchar contra naves enemigas sino para interceptar a los Misiles Interplanetarios que pueden lanzar contra ti tus adversarios. Cada Misil Antibalístico puede destruir un Misil Interplanetario.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Anti-Ballistic Missile|Anti-Ballistic Missiles are a special type of defensive unit. They're not designed to fight enemy ships, but instead to shoot down incoming Interplanetary Missiles at a rate of 1 to 1.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Interplanetary Missile|Con los misiles interplanetarios puedes arrasar las defensas de tus enemigos sin necesidad de utilizar una sola nave. Los misiles son capaces de destruir las defensas impidiendo que éstas puende reconstruirse, por lo que puedes llegar a dejar un planeta totalmente indefenso. Consulta la guía sobre los {{Link|Tutorial:Interplanetary Missiles|Misiles Interplanetarios}} para conocer más detalles.}}
{{Detail-Defense|Interplanetary Missile|With Interplanetary Missiles you can clear an enemy's planet of defense without launching a single ship. Any defensive unit hit by one of these missiles will have no chance of rebuilding. See {{Link|Tutorial:Interplanetary Missiles}} for more.}}

Измена од 24. јануар 2011. у 23:08

Остали језици:

While ships are indispensable for offensive actions, there are defensive structures for defensive players to allow them to protect their planets from other players. Those are built the same way as ships and from then on are always ready to fight against attacking ships. Depending on how many defenses one builds, one can defend more or less resources from other players, as a big defense makes attacks unprofitable for other players. Though there are also those players who systematically attack heavily-defended planets (so called turtles).

Balanced buildup

When building a fleet there are some major points you have to pay attention to. The same goes for defenses. The amount of defensive structures should always be matched with the needs of the planet / moon the defense is built on. If your goal is to just save those res you produce over night it would be overkill to build a huge turtle worth some hundred-thousand points.

Though if you want to defend your whole fleet (at least for a while) you of course need a much bigger defense. The right mixture of the different units is very important too. Analog to small ships, small defensive-units later take the role of "cannon fodder", while you build the big guns for the big bang.

But no matter how strong your defense is and how well thought-out its design, the best defense is the one that's never used. When you're unprofitable for even the strongest players in your universe you're almost 100% sure to not be attacked.
Exceptions are:

  • above mentioned "turtle-hunters". They'll smash you to pieces just for fun.
  • You play in a special universe where a certain % of the defense-cost goes to a debris-field when its destroyed (def-to-DF-unis). In such unis a big defense is like a free BBQ for all players with a strong fleet, as defense can't run away from an attack. To find out more information about your universe's features see Universes and Player

Chance of reconstruction

As said, defensive units can't fly or magically disappear, so they can't be saved from attacks. But if they are destroyed during an attack its not the end. In ogame every type of defense has a chance of 70% to be repaired after it was destroyed during an attack. If you use the premium-feature "engineer" the chance is 85% (see Premium features).

This feature doesn't allow your enemies to wipe out your defense in just 1 run. They have to fly numerous attacks against your planet before everything is gone. Another way to destroy defense is via using Interplanetary Missiles.

The different defensive units

Even though all defenses have the same purpose, to protect your planet from enemy attacks, some units are more specialized then others. Its basically the same as with fleets. All units play their own important part, but only in combination with the others are they the most effective.

The first available defense-unit in OGame is the rocketlauncher. It's the cheapest unit too. It is, especially in the later game-stages used as cannon fodder.....huge masses to spread enemy fire and give the big guns a better chance to survive and hand out damage. Its biggest disadvantage is, that some ship-types (especially cruisers) have a very high rapid-fire against them. So you should combine them with Light Lasers.
Technical data:
Hull: 200
Shield: 20
Weapon: 80
Metal: 2.000
Crystal: 0
Deuterium: 0

Light Laser
The light laser is the second cannon fodder-unit. Marginally more expensive then the rocketlauncher it has a bit better stats and cruisers don't have rapid-fire against them.
Light Laser
Technical data:
Hull: 200
Shield: 25
Weapon: 100
Metal: 1.500
Crystal: 500
Deuterium: 0

Heavy Laser
Too expensive for the role of cannon fodder, it still shouldn't be missing in any good defense. Especially good against light fighters as each shot of a heavy laser can kill 1 light fighter.
Heavy Laser
Technical data:
Hull: 800
Shield: 100
Weapon: 250
Metal: 6.000
Crystal: 2.000
Deuterium: 0

Ion Cannon
No defensive unit has stronger shields then the Ion cannon, making it very durable. Its high crystal-costs in addition with its low attack-strength make it less popular then Heavy Lasers or Gauss Cannons.
Ion Cannon
Technical data:
Hull: 800
Shield: 500
Weapon: 150
Metal: 2.000
Crystal: 6.000
Deuterium: 0

Gauss Cannon
Long before you have access to the Plasma Turret you'll be able to build Gauss Cannons, the second-strongest defensive-units. Their good attack power makes them especially good against cruisers and battleships.
Gauss Cannon
Technical data:
Hull: 3.500
Shield: 200
Weapon: 1.100
Metal: 20.000
Crystal: 15.000
Deuterium: 2.000

Plasma Turret
The biggest gun with the highest price. The needed researches alone are a fortune for players in the early days of their career, and the turret itself is pretty expensive too. But what you get in return is the strongest gun, powerful enough to fend off even big ships like destroyers or deathstars. Most efficient when you add cannon fodder to protect it as long as possible to allow it to deal out huge amounts of damage.
Plasma Turret
Technical data:
Hull: 10.000
Shield: 300
Weapon: 3.000
Metal: 50.000
Crystal: 50.000
Deuterium: 30.000

Small Shield Dome
Shield domes do absolutely no harm to enemy ships (except probes), but that isn't their purpose anyways.

In the earlier gamestages even 1 small shield dome alone can fend off a whole enemy fleet, in case it consists only of cargoes. That is because those ships lack the attack strength to penetrate the shield itself and thus can't destroy the dome.

You can only build 1 small shield dome per planet.
Small Shield Dome
Technical data:
Hull: 2.000
Shield: 2.000
Weapon: 1
Metal: 10.000
Crystal: 10.000
Deuterium: 0

Large Shield Dome
What goes for the small dome goes for the large dome too....but just in a bigger scale. Even light fighters in any amount can't do any harm against the large dome and have to fly home empty-handed. You can also build only 1 large shield dome per planet.
Large Shield Dome
Technical data:
Hull: 10.000
Shield: 10.000
Weapon: 1
Metal: 50.000
Crystal: 50.000
Deuterium: 0

Anti-Ballistic Missile
Anti-Ballistic Missiles are a special type of defensive unit. They're not designed to fight enemy ships, but instead to shoot down incoming Interplanetary Missiles at a rate of 1 to 1.
Anti-Ballistic Missile
Technical data:
Hull: 800
Shield: 1
Weapon: 1
Metal: 8.000
Crystal: 0
Deuterium: 2.000

Interplanetary Missile
With Interplanetary Missiles you can clear an enemy's planet of defense without launching a single ship. Any defensive unit hit by one of these missiles will have no chance of rebuilding. See Interplanetary Missiles for more.
Interplanetary Missile
Technical data:
Hull: 1.500
Shield: 1
Weapon: 12.000
Metal: 12.500
Crystal: 2.500
Deuterium: 10.000

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